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Eyekonz Field Hockey and Lacrosse was established to serve the needs of inner city girls & boys from the ages of  5 to 18 living in the Greater Philadelphia area. Eyekonz will be using field hockey and lacrosse as a tool to teach live lessons like: hard work, sportsmanship, self-discipline, healthy self-esteem and coping with adversity. The girls & boys learning field hockey will gain knowledge of how to learn the basic skills, as well as advanced skills.

They will have the opportunity to compete against other teams as well.  Throughout this league they will also have additional curriculums of learning to prepare them for life, such as African/Kemetic / African-American history, etiquette, meditation/yoga, conversations of self love, daily affirmations, financial literacy, creating dream boards, healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Eyekonz Sports League has also partnered with Drexel University, Engineering Department to create opportunities for the girls & boys  to gain access into this growing field.

They will also have to do 8 hours of community service within their neighborhood and we also will be reviewing school reports cards. We offer this unique approach to our league to create a platform for success within our community and offering the tools necessary to foster the next generation to achieve whatever they put their minds to.
Field Status_
  • Eyekonz Girls Lacrosse Field Updated:08.11.2020 01:49PM
    • Girls Lacrosse Field
  • Eyekonz Boys Lacrosse Field Updated:03.26.2018 01:32PM
    • Boys Lacrosse Field
  • Eyekonz Girls and Boys Field Updated:08.11.2020 01:47PM
  • Girard College - Girls Field Updated:08.11.2020 01:49PM


Eyekonz Sports

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19145
Email : [email protected]
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